Sunday 16 September 2012

Day of the Triffids book cover

This piece my target audience are adults, which I have tried to accomplish by giving the piece a sinister feel to it with the colours used in the background. Out of the four displayed I think the one in top right works the best because the text is clear and easy to read, the buildings in the background have blended well making a dark, mysterious backdrop in contrast to the foreground silhouette of buildings. The etching of the Triffid is not too over powering on the cover but fits in well with the background. 
I got the idea for this from looking at Katsushika Hokusai's work which gave me the inital idea to do a etching on perspex of corn, but when i left it to dry on its side it reminded me of a Triffid so i incorpreted it into a book cover design for the book "Day of the Triffids."  

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